Vector Upload Single Color
We were looking into doing new user-upload items, and wanted to make some items using vector upload.
For certain production methods (ie. engraving) we need the option for single color monochrome with changeable colours/library support for the preview, just like what already exists for the dynamic vector by selecting the "single color" vector type.
Julian Ferreiro
100% necessary! We need vector preview functionality to match all the other preview functionality. As a laser engraver, we want customers submitting vector art, but the current user experience and lack of preview defeats the purpose of using customily.
An even better enhancement would be one upload function all together. The store can select the file types they accept regardless of vector or bitmap and the preview would need to be customizable for all file types and production methods, whether that be single color or full color.
The current two button system forces us to choose a file type. We want vector art, but understand most people only have bitmap, so to cover the masses, image upload is the safer choice. When it comes to laser engraving, bitmap files are inferior and require extra work on the backend. Yes, we know both buttons can be added, but that is a confusing user experience...customers don't always know the difference between the file types.