Our best selling product has 3 print surfaces.
  1. Front Plate (1)
  2. Left Side Plate (1)
  3. Right Side Plate (1)
But It's just one sku, were currently forced to awkwardly fit all 3 on one 1000x1000 preview. In our case it also causes a second issue of the side plates, which are the smaller design areas, to be so small that it's hard to even read the text that you are typing in the live preview for some customers.
We're able to use multiple templates and options sets, but not previews.
Maybe you can somehow make previews work the same way, especially since multiple production files are coming soon as well.
Multiple previews seems like it would go hand in hand.
I have 2 ideas as to how it can work:
  1. Drawing crop boxes on the preview area (similar to how you can set print area in "Designs") and the preview would crop/zoom to that area when you're editing any elements that fall in that box you set.
  2. Create a separate type of grouping/layout that would group together certain elements so that we could use them on a separate preview image. and it would cycle through them depending on which option the customer is editing.