Let us save commonly used options into a library, to import into any options sets.
under review
Adrian Ontiveros
I have spent many hours fixing/adding options to the auto-generated options sets.
For instance, I have to recreate an option for a checkbox asking customer to "Confirm they have the rights to use the art they are uploading" every single time I have a product which allows customers to upload their own art. (which is 99% of our products)
I wish I could save them into a library and import them into any option set I'm working on.
A button could be added to all options that allows you to instantly save that option to the library directly from an option set
And obviously an "Import from Library" button would be added next to the "add option" and "Save" buttons
Augusto D'Amario
Hello there! We've introduced a new functionality that makes it easy to create Option(s) within the Option Set by selecting them from another Option Set.
While the options aren't imported by reference, similar to libraries, this feature enables you to seamlessly bring curated options into the Option Set you're currently working on.
Augusto D'Amario
under review
Stepan Palamar
Well spoted Adrian Ontiveros this is huge! 100% Support this feature
Adrian Ontiveros
Customily could also have curated/official options for users to add. Such as disclaimers for IP infringement, digital downloads, tax rates and many more that may be very helpful for new or novice sellers.
I think literally anyone and everyone who is allowing their customers to upload their own artwork on the products they make & sell, 100% needs to have a required checkbox like this for their clients. As it's possible they would be liable for damages from the owner of the IP without it.