Find & Replace function for all the options in an Option set
under review
This would be a HUGE time saver. At the moment we create complex templates in English and make the Option set and then set all of the conditions and types of options.
After that we copy the Option set and translate it in desired languages. This takes quite a lot of time. It would be a game changer for all the users with multi-language sites.
This would need to be an EXACT matching option name (not LIKE), so you wouldn't accidently translate a word that's only a partial match.
A big PLUS would also be if it worked for Dropdown values and Swatch values.
Augusto D'Amario
under review
Augusto D'Amario Hey Augusto, hope you are doing well!
I just wanted to inquiry about this suggested feature, did you get the chance to review it yet?