Ability to modify files
Julian Ferreiro
Julian Ferreiro
Interesting suggestion. We appreciate your input and will consider it.
Right now how are you detecting and dealing with the typos?
Julian Ferreiro: Mostly customers find them and inform us right after making the order. Usually even before the file is fully generated.
Julian Ferreiro: I see there already is a similar feature but it is not working for us on woo. https://help.customily.com/hc/en-us/articles/15743581317275-Save-Personalization-data
If I understand correctly this feature generates a link to the product already configured with personalisation data from customer. Is it possible to make this work for woo? Maybe not in the cart but in the metadata of the order/product...
Julian Ferreiro
tim: Hi tim. Thanks for sharing this. There was a bug in Woocommerce that was preventing to show this option.
Now when selecting the option in the attachment, you should be able to see in each order in Woocommerce in the Orders menú, a link named "Customization Url". Clicking there will open a Product Page with the Customization of the client where you can make further changes.
Let me know if this helps.
Julian Ferreiro
For the record, this can also be seen in Shopify, in each order:
Julian Ferreiro: thanks for the reply but i do not see that. i also checked metadata of order and product and the field is not there. that is for an order made 10min ago
Julian Ferreiro
tim: Maybe is the version of the plugin. For this to work you need to update the Customily plugin with the following file: Link
Julian Ferreiro: thanks. i will do it in the morning when traffic is low and report back
Julian Ferreiro: its working, thanks :)